sniff.. sniff.. everytime i sleep late my nose gets runny. but now that's the least thing i care coz yesterday was full of joy. i opened a booth on Himade No Matsuri (eee is that the right name for the festival? sorry if i wrote it wrong :p) @ Unpad Jatinangor. sorry i didnt have time to share it here before. was too busy to restock my plushies : printing, sewing, filling...

... ayo diabsen siapa yg belum masuk?
and finally i managed to meet these lovely girls from other booths: i
arum and
mia. hope the plan will done soon ^^
although the crowd wasnt as huge as last year but still it was fun. if someone ask me to do it again next year, i'll say yes!

uh oh i need to make a better display..

this is B, wearing patapon mask made by his friend. thanks a lot for all your support :)

and this is me with the other mask. i cant see anything, literally! there's no eye hole on that mask hahaha

aaaaah, so sweet ^^. have a great day everyone ^^